ITA Creative Curriculum For US and International Students
$ 156 /month
ITA Creative Curriculum is for the parents who have their own ideas about their child’s education and what’s best for him/her.
No Need to Register with School District.
ITA parents choose their own curriculum and send a synopsis of the yearly study plan.
ITA parents will be required to submit a study hour chart to school administration on a weekly basis.
Florida High School Diploma
ITA Guided Curriculum for International Students
ITA Guided Curriculum Program is for the parents who like to work within a basic structure but use their own ways of reaching set milestones for the given year.
Four consultations per month with an ITA staff member
No Need to Register with School District.
ITA parents work with the school counselors to jointly design the curriculum suitable for the student
ITA parents will be required to submit a study hour chart to school administration on a weekly basis.
Florida High School Diploma
ITA In-House Curriculum Only
ITA In-House Curriculum Program provides detailed personalized ready-to-go daily lessons for ITA students. This option is most suitable for busy parents who work from home but also homeschool their children.
Four consultation per month with an ITA staff member
No Need to Register with School District.
ITA parents work with the school counselors to jointly design the curriculum suitable for the student
ITA parents will be required to submit a study hour chart to school administration on a weekly basis.
Florida High School Diploma
ITA In-House Curriculum For US and International Students
$750 / month
ITA In-House Curriculum Program option includes a fully designed curriculum for the child. Every week parents are provided with daily lesson as well as a general curriculum guidelines for the year.
Two consultations per month with an ITA staff member
No Need to Register with School District.
ITA parents will be required to submit a study hour chart to school administration on a weekly basis.
Florida High School Diploma

Last modified: August 14, 2020

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